Extra-Curricular Activities
Participating in extra-curricular activities offers numerous benefits. It boosts confidence, expands social networks, and provides opportunities to learn new skills and abilities. Above all, our clubs provide an essential space to have fun and relax.
We offer clubs during lunchtime and after school. Here are just some of the clubs we offer:
- Chapel Ambassadors
- Christian Union
Our PE department organizes many clubs and fixtures. Additionally, our school gym and 3G pitch are open to students at lunch.
Emotional Well-Being
- Art Therapy
- Mindful Colouring
- Chat Together
Performing Arts
- Practice Makes Perfect
- Orchestra
- Singing Group
- Drama Ensemble
- Dance
- Board Games
- Kahoot
- Physics and Beyond
To get involved, please ask your child to refer to the details provided during tutor time. We encourage all students to take advantage of these opportunities to enrich their school experience and pursue their passions.